Thursday, November 19, 2009

LOOP at the KIVA

November 17th, 2009, 7:30pm, on a pleasantly chilly night. I enter the KIVA at Kent State University to see a small group of nerds standing around a plump man with a friendly smile. It's Peri!

Getting ready.

Look at that smile! Kawaii!

Yeah, my flash needs some work...

Peri gettin' attacked by nerds.

Mike Johnston and his lovely Lady Tara. Drove all the way from central PA to come to the screening-ay. I salute you!

Post-LOOP delirium kept my camera angles strange and unfocused.

After an amazing 14-hour sleep I remember to take pictures of the lovely swag I received.

I <3 bracelets.

And then I got an autographed copy of the infamous LOOP!

That signature is going to be famous, and when I'm old and broke and it's worth a fortune, I'm going to say, "Like HELL you're getting this!"

Mmmmm, Peri...

And here I ask Mr. Lewnes a brief and stupid question.

Thanks for reading and next time I tell you to go somewhere, you really ought to.


  1. Greetings and salutations. We appreciate popping up several times in your photos. I'm the man with the dreads and Isaac is the tall ugly one in the cap. However, just so you know, we are NOT nerds, we prefer the more common "assholes" :-) Have you watched our three part epic interview with the man yet? Quite fun.
